Walker Art Center


February 15, 2003

Fresh Sprung Pubic Hair

Hung out at Jezebel's Joint last night.

The night started off with me feeling awkward. Like I was just hitting puberty and a freshman in high school. A social misfit.

Some friends of mine were going to come, but I needed to get there before 10pm to avoid the cover charge since I'm quite broke and would rather spend the money on a drink.

After two drinks, my budget limit, and 90 minutes, I did one last look around for my friends and decided to leave.

When I got outside a motorcycle pulled up and it was someone I hadn't seen in a while. So I rapped with him for a bit, then my friends showed up. Joseph bought me drinks for the rest of the night and even took me to eat at 3am. Ended up getting back into the social groove and I'm glad I stayed.

That was my first time at Jezebel's Joint....it's a really nice place.

I need to read my Robert Evan's book, "The Kid Stays in the Picture".
I feel like lighting some candles.

Necesito leer mi el libro de Roberto Evan, "las estancias del cabrito en el cuadro".
Me siento como encender algunas velas.

Posted by Tony DuShane at February 15, 2003 08:57 PM
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