Walker Art Center


February 15, 2003


huge demo today in seville, beatiful day!

hundreds of thousands of people, i started marching with my bike at 11 am, and ended up around 4pm!!!

lots of friends, all the girls that i love were around... at least the local ones... sunny, cold, colorful, joyful...

towards the end, we joined a group of people who changed the official route and went towards the us consulate. there we had some fun!: music, performances, laughs, singing... the cops didnīt like it as much as the multitude did. eventually, the party finished as usual... some batoning, some shots in the air, a lot of running... i got hit myslef by one of the cops even though we were already some 800 m away from the consulate.. very unconstitutional! i have to say!

anyways, we had a lot to talk about afterwards, having a beer enjoying the last sunshine of this beatiful day...

the people in spain donīt want this war for sure.

ĄPaz con dignidad y Viva Zapata!

If you want to check some pics of the fun in front of the corporate consulate, click here

Posted by osfavelados at February 15, 2003 04:03 PM
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