Walker Art Center


February 02, 2003

En el hospital/at the hospital

Pues que este es el dia 2 de Big [B]Other... algo desvelado... inicie mi dia con una revelación por parte de mi exmujer... "la enfermo"... yup, eso me dijo...le pedí que elaborara mas al respecto, en tantos años nunca me habia mencionado algo así... me comentó que era porque sentía que no la apoyaba lo suficiente...¿en serio?, le pregunté... pero si la he apoyado en todas las decisiones que ha tomado, Xendra (nuestra hija) vive conmigo porque ella no tiene tiempo (es una mujer muy ocupada, jejeje) y hasta le hago las tareas de la universidad (estudia psicología)... Me ha dicho que todo eso esta bien, pero piensa que no le doy suficiente... le dije que tenía que ser mas específica y lo dejó salir, me dijo que sentía que tenía que apoyarla mas en lo económico, que no le doy dinero... yo le recordé que ella no paga renta porque la casa donde vive pertenece a mi familia... pero ella dijo que no era suficiente, que tiene necesidades... ok, ok... cúanto ocupas para tus necesitas?...1500 pesos semanales (whaaat?!!)... y todavia me dice que "y eso no le alcanza para sus cosas"... le dije que se olvidara de eso y se enfocara en sus necesidades... 1000 a 1500 pesos a la semana para comida y no se cuantas cosas mas... me comentó que esta conciente que como soy médico interno estoy en banca rota...le dije que si de eso se trataba todo que no habia problema, y en un acto de coraje le dí 600 pesos y le dije que trataré de conseguirle su dinero... que siendo realistas es mucho dinero para mí, pero que trataré... después le pedí que me regresara 200 (jejeje, oigan, tengo que comer algo durante la semana, aunque sean twinkies)... problema resuelto, luego le pedí que me llevara al hospital, faltaban 10 minutos para mi entrada y de otra forma no alcanzaría a llegar...a regañadientes aceptó y los tres (Xendra, la exesposa y yo) nos dirijimos al hospital (un hospital de seguridad social para trabajadores del estado)... llegué al hospital, algunas novedades, la viejita de la cama 15 se murió... dicen que convulsionó y se fué "bye bye"... teniamos razón el viernes cuando dijimos que estaba mal... parece que no nos hicieron mucho caso... anyway, aqui estaré en mi guardia de trabajo de 32 horas... later.


well this is day 2 o the Big [B]Other...had some problem sleeping... i started my day with a revelation from my exwife... "i make her sick"...yup, that's what she told me... i asked her to elaborate more on the subject, in all these years she had never told me anything like that... she told me that it was 'cause she felt i didn't support her enough... really?, i asked her... but i've supported her in all the decisions she had made, Xendra (our daughter) lives with me 'cause she has no time (she's a very bussy woman,hehehe) and i even make her homework for the university (she studies psychology)... she told me all that is ok, but she thought i didn't give her enough... i asked her to be more specific, and she let it out, she told me she felt i had to support her more in the economic sense, that i don't give her money... i reminded her that she doesn't pay rent 'cause the house where she lives belongs to my family... but she said it wasn't enough, that she has needs...ok ok... how much you need?...1500 pesos (about 150 dollars) a week (whaaaat?!!!)... and she adds that "tha's not enough for her things", i told her to forget about that an focus on necessities... 1000 to 1500 pesos a week for food and i don't know what else... she told me that she is aware that since i'm a medical intern i'm broke... i told her that if that was all the problem, then no problem,and in an act of anger i gave her 600 pesos and told her that i will try to get her her money...that being realistic that's too much money for me, but i'll try... later i asked her for 200 pesos back (hehehe, hey i need to eat something during the week, at least some twinkies)...problem solved, i later asked her to take me to the hospital to work, since i had only 10 minutes to get there, and the 3 of us (Xendra, the exwife an me) went to the hospital ( a social security hospital for workers of the state)...arrived at the hospital, some news, the old lady from bad 15 died... they said it had convulsions and went bye bye...we where right last friday when we said she looked bad...it looks they didn't listen...anyway, i'll be here at my job's 32 hour guard shift...later.

Posted by Luis Humberto Rosales at February 2, 2003 02:46 PM
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