Walker Art Center


February 21, 2003


I'm stoked. I just confirmed a radio special I'm doing on May 8th regarding M. Gira on KFJC. He's from Swans and Angels of Light as well as the author of The Consumer.

And, I get to interview him in April....he emailed me this morning about it. I'm like a school girl getting ready to meet a 'n sync or something.

Chuck Palahniuk told me "the extent I suffer is the extent I succeed", so as bad shit has happened and continues to happen I get little gems in my life like this one.

I need to take a shower as I'm quite ripe.
I feel love, hug me.

Necesito tomar una ducha mientras que huelo como una alcantarilla.
Siento amor, me abrazo.

Posted by Tony DuShane at February 21, 2003 04:51 PM

hi tony
i´m afraid i am also behind your grandmother as far as fight club is concerned... ooopps!!!... i really need to read / watch it!!! i will watch at least the video before bb finishes!

i also liked the layout of the interview with chuck in cherry bleeds, with the links to the different sections and sort of keywords / abstracts introducing... easy.../ osfa

Posted by: osfa on February 22, 2003 10:31 AM

Mlle grazie,

I'm so damn psycho obsessive about such things and spend way too much time getting it just right....so I'm glad you enjoyed the layout.



Posted by: Tony DuShane on February 22, 2003 01:39 PM
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