Walker Art Center


February 12, 2003


I had a plan when I started Big (b)Other, and the plan had to do with a remark a friend of mine made when she returned to Holland after a stay of several years in the US of A. Her first remark when she got back was: ‘Man, this country is even more American than America is’. And we agreed on the fact that probably every western country somehow has created this myth about what America is supposed to be and all those things are labeled with the tag ‘Modern’, ‘The shape of our future’ and therefore ‘Good’. And (sub-) consciously all my fellow country man have done whatever it could to take this country to that mythical paradise called America. But the truth hurts: that specific country – the country of our shared dreams - doesn’t exist. But who are we to know all about that? Most of us have never been there in the first place, all we know about it is what we see on the TV. (Yes, all the shows you have overthere can be seen here as well, including ‘6 feet under’) And you wanna know what we say to each other when we get those prime time images of the crazy live those Americans are living? ‘Wow, that’s so typical, this can only be America.’

Anyway, I was talking about my plan. And the plan was to write everyday about ordinary everyday American stuff happening in my live Holland, and most of these things would have to do with computers and media (we’re supposed to be media-artists right, that’s why we were chosen for this job in the first place).

Well, maybe I’m gonna change my plan, don’t know yet.

Will say some more about Spaghetti tomorrow. Was a work day today, had to write for other people. One can not have Spaghetti everyday. Tomorrow, yes tomorrow is Spaghetti day, I'm sure about that.

Posted by Jeroen Goulooze at February 12, 2003 01:18 PM
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