Walker Art Center


February 10, 2003

Ehnh, Beleemie

Worked on film festival stuff today…..oh sick…..my cat just took a stinky one in the litter box. Cat poop stank.

Bought some mahi-mahi @ the fish market today on 21st & Mission. So I'm satisfied and would love a good glass of scotch but we got no money left until the next check rolls in, so it's me here scraping the bottom out of some gin we had hangin' around.

Writing workshop went well last night. My stuff wasn't workshoped, but listening and learning from the other writers I got a couple of ideas regarding problems with my novel that have been bugging me. I need to work on that, but I gotta get my shitnaz in gear on Nordic Wave.

I need my Joe Millionaire tonight.
I feel like swimming naked in a pool of gin with an olive in my mouth.

Necesito mi Joe Millionaire esta noche.
Me siento como la natación desnuda en una piscina de la ginebra con una aceituna en mi boca.

Posted by Tony DuShane at February 10, 2003 10:29 PM

oh yes, sex, everybodycamon!
aceitunas y ginebra =)=

Posted by: el lector on February 11, 2003 10:33 AM
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