Walker Art Center


February 09, 2003

okupator en mad

ola compas, muy reconciliado con madrid
ayer no pude escribir en el blog... demasiada actividad!

I couldn t write yesterday... too many activities! Back in love with madrid!

A pretty awesome day too. I moved from danys home to some other friends home, illustrious okupas in lavapies. there okupation project is called la grieta. And it is a mix of political, artistic and life enjoying project. I havent seen such happy and positive bunch in a while...

Pablo, aka bakhlalov showed up at the end of the day. Since 6 pm there was an action-drift through downtown madrid, hundreds of people celebrating the first anniversary of labo.03, taking the streets with an flat bed truck with rappers, plays, music, drums, and dancing. It began at the core of the commercial center in madrid, callao, and then went on until 1 am through puerta del sol, plaza mayor and eventually back to lavapies. Very cool and confrontational and fun... lots of beatiful people... signs against the war, for peace, solidarity and a city ruled by the people...

The most fun however was moving the the okupa house -squatt- Great friends there, a beatiful kitchen, In the middle of madrid, one feels as if one were in the countryside, sunny terrace for breakfast, late, late dinner with two of the girls - great video makers - and bakhlalov...

we are gonna be working together in an open source architectural design process. Thinking about turning the already very interesting dwelling project, into something futuristic, technologically, and artistically avantguard, to make it the most beautiful place in town...
Cyborg architecture will be another concpet we are gonna be applying... A concept that derives from haraways speculations on cyborg identity... made out of networked, interchangable, exchangable parts... the people at la grieta will provide us with a first design-concpet kernel, and then we are gonna work on a "bazar" developmente process...

Another very interesting people i met are those at eskalera karakola: a feminist, postmodern, social, architectural and feminist experiment, also in lavapies. I am planning to visit their house tomorrow...

Other projects i was introduced too are madrid hacklab - cool space too, right in the middle of el rastro - the famous madrid flea market-, universidad nomada, editors and social agitators researching autonomy and new politics and the acp/madrid indymedia people.

Madrid seems to be experimenting a cultural revolution. But its definitely a grassroots and antagonic one. Much better than the famous "movida" of the late 80s.

From the telematic area at labo.03 csoa / lavapies,
saludos combatientes y maquinadores / osfa

Posted by osfavelados at February 9, 2003 12:46 PM

Hey! y por que no explicas las diferencis entre la Movida y este nuevo movimiento??? Por lo demás, me parece pocamadre que adnes visitando esos proyectos. Ojala los describas detalladamente y me permitas citarte en alguna de mis columnas, ya que es un tema que interesa a la raza de por aqui. Si tienes links y demás fomras de contactarles desde aquí, estaría re chido.

Un abrazo

Posted by: Pacho on February 9, 2003 12:58 PM
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