Walker Art Center


February 07, 2003

saludos desde el labo.03

hi guys i am just writing a few lines to say hallo, from labo.03, the centro social ocupado autonomo, in lavapies, madrid. This is much more amazing than what i had imagined. THousands of people, a whole factory, full of huge spaces dedicated to all kind of diferent uses, all of them self managed.

Right now i am at the telematic area, where the people from hacklab have organized an intranet all over the building. Their access comes via wireless from a building in front of us...

tomorrow and the day after there are gonna be a lot of actions and events, in the street and within the building: labo

-jordi fiambrera, that some of you might know- is running the bar tonight with his yo-mango troupe.

soon more, easy... osfa

Posted by osfavelados at February 7, 2003 06:19 PM

Saludos al lABO!!!!!!!!!


Posted by: Pedro Jiménez on February 7, 2003 07:07 PM

Pero estas en Madrid? Acabo de postear mi blog y veo que estas hablando de cosas paralelas. Además, recuerdo cómo te interesa la arquitectura yu el urbanismo como perspectiva de reflexión . Qué maravilla que coincidiéramos en estos temas hoy.
saludos y cuenta mas de lo que estés haciendo

Posted by: Pacho on February 7, 2003 07:33 PM

hi osfa that sounds wicked ! tell us more

Posted by: Tatiana on February 9, 2003 07:02 AM
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