Walker Art Center


February 07, 2003

Linfoma girl

I´ve felt asleep at the computer room of the hospital, my headquarters for the last 7 months, since i don´t have a computer of my own... some of the other interns are checking articles or investigating stuff over the net... while i´m sleeping on the sofa, one of nurses comes in and asks for the interns on guard i kinda wake up (you know, half sleep, half awake... it looks like there´s a problem with the linfoma girl who arrive at noon... the situation is bad, i don't think she´s gonna make it... 17 years old, one of the strongest womn i ever met... she has a heroine...another linfoma patient, a 33 year old mother of 2, who has survived the disease... she got a bone marrow transplant, and has been ok...almost died... Alejandra, the linfoma girl used to visit her when some times they would be hospitalized... i remember them talking for hours... it gives Alejandra strength to go on fighting... of course, we lied when Alejandra's heroine died...she didn't need to know...she didn't need to stop believing... now Alejandra is about to cross the point of no return...but at least she keeps fighting, and we don't want to take that away from her, ever... 'til the end...
i'm afraid of tomorrow...what news i'll get when i arrive at the hospital... let's hope that Alejandra lives another day to keep fighting... I don`'t want to loose one of my heroines...

Posted by Luis Humberto Rosales at February 7, 2003 12:01 AM

que descubrimiento conocerte bajo esta faceta!!!
un abrazo

Posted by: Pacho on February 7, 2003 12:09 AM
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