Walker Art Center


February 01, 2003

ola, hello

ola, hi there!

this is my first entry to big [b]other... and i am just curious to see how this is gonna work out. I always accept invitations by fran... that´s the main reason i´m here.

January just flew acceleratedly through my life. Lots of things happening, jammed memories, not that much time to feel and let things sediment...

Dealing with a couple of spooky female beings in the web lately, beautiful ghosts coming back from the past. Some girlfriend from 20-18 years ago, - a sunny bed in Cambridige, Mass, trying to read Ulysses, but never being able to go beyond chapter 4 or 5...- and now she´s back, we found us somehow casually in the web, quite recently.. hiding things, showing off in others... black eyes in the web...

Just finished, together with January, a rather sinister Philip Roth book, about secrets... The Human Stain. Didn´t really like it, but was hooked by it until i finished it and put it back in a shelf, in the contemporray [north]american novels section in my library. I do prefer Pynchon, Kerouac or Kesey much better...

Even though i am rather fluent in English, i am definitely more fluent in Spanish. So, sorry for my mistakes. Fran asked me to make it in English, and that´s gonna be part of my experiment.

...easy / osfa

Posted by osfavelados at February 1, 2003 06:39 AM

Bueno esta bien, pero y en guattarilandia en que idioma hablas.

Posted by: François Cheng on February 1, 2003 09:25 AM

eso, eso eso. habla en castellano ¿no?

Posted by: deleuze on February 1, 2003 09:51 AM

Never mind the way you use your English: It's supposed to be a world language, so it belongs to everybody on this earth so everybody who uses it can decide on what is correct or not. Shall we name it Ainglish? (It aint English but it is). It is a language shaped by movies, popsongs and political speeches.

Posted by: Jeroen Goulooze on February 1, 2003 01:30 PM

It's all good. English is my first language and I still can't speak it. I know enough Spanish to order food and pick up women. :)

I, too, have tried to read James Joyce, but I find him a boring pontificator.

I hope you write more about your spooky female beings.


Posted by: Tony DuShane on February 1, 2003 04:02 PM

fran me pidió que hablara/escribiera en inglés para que estuviera compensado el blog... y la verdad es que me divierte, es otra personalidad en fin, supongo que en inglés, soy otra persona, ahí va mi vida en habla inglesa, algunos años en los [t][angeles] y otros viajecillos...

deleuzeguattarilandia... es de suponer que está en una jerga del español, el deleuziano-guattariniano, que tanto molesta a algunos - rizoma, devenir, fugas, subjetividades, cuerpo sinórganos, nomadología, aparato de captura....pero, pero... hay partes que comienzan en inglés, y otras la mayoría que acaban siendo en español_andaluz...

gracias por los comments...

and yes i was just daydreaming about the spooky female beings, or maybe day-nightmaring... in the roth novel the guy takes a completely fake identity all his life long in order to achieve certain things, most of the important things in his life, including women, -the strategy doesn´t really work out at the end, or maybe it does?... and that´s probably what i was thinking about... how much i´d need a creative impersonation [?], a fake / different personality_identity to be called "amore mio" not only by a digital entity, a cyberwoman, but by the ¿real? one, the skinny[?] one... you know what i mean...

enough spanish to get food and pick up women... ummmh, sounds exactly what i need / seemed to have forgotten!

Posted by: osfavelados on February 1, 2003 04:32 PM

enough spanish to get food and pick up women... ummmh, sounds exactly what i need / seemed to have forgotten!

Posted by osfavelados at February 1, 2003 04:32 PM

De pronto me siento como que estoy desperdiciando mi idioma... :s

Suddenly i feel like i'm wasting my language... :s

Posted by: luis humberto rosales on February 1, 2003 06:54 PM

¡Pero qué foro dentro del foro!
Del inglés a la globalidad y de ahí a la globalidad acerca de las mujeres...
Vaya, tomaremos el machismo galante por halago en esta ocasión.
Y no lo escribo en inglés porque me cuesta mucho hacerlo.

Posted by: Cindy Gabriela on February 1, 2003 06:57 PM

jejeje... un saludote Cindy...como siempre, se te agradece enormemente el ser la voz de la razón... intenté llamarte por phone pero siempre ocupado...anyway... como siempre, un placer leerte...

Google language tool "sucks bigtime" translation:

jejeje... saludote Cindy... like always, thanks for the being enormously to you the voice of the reason... I tried llamarte by phone but always occupied... anyway... like always, a pleasure leerte...

Posted by: luis humberto rosales on February 1, 2003 07:07 PM

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Posted by: zip codes on March 16, 2003 02:45 AM
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