Comments: Day 1.2

hola tatiana,

inspired by protest'o' , i proposed this week to create a wiki section at to keep a log of
immigrant detainee stories ... as we collect all the links and research and perspectives... and was excited by the fact that it could even serve as a way for stories to come to light that might need to remain anonymous ...

looking fwd to the tv jams !

Posted by podp at February 21, 2003 08:46 PM

yey ! that is really cool Just checked the site

I am trying to find someone to design a page for the TV off day to have it at our tactical media week

I am also very interested in the power of histories and the daily miths that makes us what we are

:) are you in SF ?
x t

Posted by Tatiana at February 22, 2003 06:54 PM
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