Walker Art Center


February 09, 2003


I was supposed to hook up with Jim to see his friend's band The Deed. He told me they're playing at El Rio. I love shows at the El Rio and it's walking distance from my apartment so I was in and ready to get sloppy with my friend since I haven't seen him in a few months and he just got back from a surfing trip to Hawaii.

So, I checked out The Deed's website to download songs to know what I was getting into and I checked out their tour dates. They're playing at THE RIO which is a bar in San Bruno. That would mean I'd have to drive (I hate driving and do everything I can to avoid it.) and I would be partying in the suburbs (almost scares me as much as driving since suburban cops scare me as I've had bad luck with them in the past.)

Jim called to let me know he was going to flake since he had a really bad day at work and wanted to just chill with his wife and kid. I'm glad he flaked b/c San Bruno wasn't where I wanted to be last night. It worked out well b/c my wife was exhausted and cranky and needed to be coddled and taken out for a beer, so I took her to the Argus and she relaxed and Screamin' Jay Hawkins played on the juke…..and it was nice.

In other news, I charged the battery in our car, so I'm putting it up for sale this week. I can't wait to sell it b/c I'll get to buy a computer…..one that I can use to actually work on video and music editing. And I'll be able to fix my internal microphone in my vid cam, buy a cheap vcr with s-video connection and hopefully have enough left over to make T-shirts for the 3 year anniversary party for Cherry Bleeds.

I need to be less self-centered.
I feel like getting drunk and writing poetry.

Necesito ser menos egocéntrico.
Me siento como conseguir poesía bebida y que escribe.

Posted by Tony DuShane at February 9, 2003 06:30 PM
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