Walker Art Center


February 05, 2003

ola compas

very tired again... today i taught a lecture at this m.a. in scenography. it´s an interesting organization. the center is in london, saint martin, but then for a quarter the students have a choice to go to different schools in Sevilla, Helsinki, Prague and Utrecht.

i showed a video piece about an imaginary group, the EZLA, Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Arquitectónica, taking over an architecture museum in Los Angeles, - Rudolph Schinlder´s house - 1921- an amazing house...

You can see a clip here:

that site, is by the way a multimedia data base we - wewearbuildings- are putting together. Of course you are invited to upload any piece you think fits. It´s suppose to deal with architecture, urbanism, ict´s and new politics... There´s a very easy to use formulary to upload. Right now we can reproduce .rm archives.

Then i showed another project that we did quite recently. It was an architectural competition, and unfortunately, we learned just monday that we hadn´t won. A bit dissapointed.

Our proposal was called Plug&Play Social Event, and it is about putting together urban situations which are the result of the combination of 1/ existing public spaces - in this case it was a set of locations in Athens- 2/ ict networks - that we supply as tools to transform urban space, a container full of them- and 3/ socialnetworks that we´d help organize and thate were supposed to take hold of the space and the tools, playing their music and showing there images and videos, appropriating and transforrming the city... not so much through conventional architectural construction, but through the management of info flows...:


i am going to mad[rid]. To a place called Labo.03, were the last spanish hackmeeting was held. It is at the same time a zapatista center: the aguascalientes de madrid. They are celebrating their first anniversary on this site. It is a centro social ocupado - that is a squatted space- in the famous neighborhood of Lavapiés. It is also the home of madrid.wireless, and several other organizations. Connected to madrid.indymedia as well.

Will stay there for the weekend... Looking forward to see dani & dani, anouk, virginia, manuela and some other pals...

ah... lecturing of course was not that tiring. the reason i am rather devastated than tired, is because after the lecture we all went for lunch, to this funny place called La Gallega, by la Alameda -coolest hood in town-, and drank a lot. Interesting people, sexy girls... i don´t really think they are too androginous... i am afraid, Cindy. But however very talented artists.

Benito, Pedro´s big brother, - the real brother i mean -, was around too. he was doing the tech for the m.a. program, and lunching and drinking, of course. I believe he is gonna be playing some music here - at bb[o]- soon. Don´t miss it!

...easy / osfa

Posted by osfavelados at February 5, 2003 02:23 PM

Hola Osfa. Como siempre, muy creativos... Comentaba sobre wewerebuildings con Ann Lee el otro día.. ¿viste el chat en m0dem?...
Y, sí, Osfa, sé que da miedo el cambio de roles genéricos, y más a los varones, pues no se han detenido a "resignificar" (como lo llama el sexólogo David Barrios) lo "masculino" ante esta dualidad de roles que las mujeres ya venimos desempeñando...
Qué difícil hablar de un concepto que linkea a imágenes indefinidas pero que, en los hechos, hoy, no ha afectado mucho que digamos a la imagen tradicional de las mujeres, y eso que lo unisex llegó hace ya rato...
Ese cambio se va a tomar su tiempo... mucho tiempo, creo...

Posted by: Cindy Gabriela on February 5, 2003 11:41 PM

sí yo también creo que es una cuestión de mucho tiempo, incluso de generaciones. de todas maneras yo creo que los hombres si se han replanteado su masculinidad. Yo he visto muchos trabajos en este sentido, que tratan de difinir algo nuevo, un antihéroe...

Posted by: Teresa on February 6, 2003 03:34 AM
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